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Monday, May 01, 2006

Alright, I HAVE to vent: Has anyone been following the immigration rallies that are going on right now?? Hundreds of thousands of protesters have been rallying in support of illegal aliens or, more politically correct, undocumented immigrants. I guess for me, a few things come to mind because I'm looking at this issue from a lot of different angles.

First and foremost: Once again it has been made undoubtedly clear that this country is driven by the dollar. Here's the two deepest levels that the immigrant issue reinforces that truth.

A. Where the FUCK were the protesters spilling out into the streets in the hundreds of thousands to demand support of the hurricane Katrina victims???? Major companies are closing there doors in support of undocumented immigrants (ex: Purdue Chicken, Goya Foods)...but not for Katrina victims??? Katrina was a backhand to the face of people of color seen by the ENTIRE WORLD (finally). Bush FUCKED UP in front of the ENTIRE WORLD (again). The ENTIRE WORLD saw that we're not making this up (at last)...yet almost 1 year later, with a new hurricane season fast approaching, nothing has been done. Where are the hundreds of thousands of protesters??? Where are the major companies closing their doors in support?? Believe me, I'm not just pointing fingers...I could have done more. I donated money and clothes and said, "Okay, I've done my part", but that wasn't enough. But I HONESTLY didn't believe that the government would do NOTHING about it. Where were all the black folks in this country??? We should have been out in the streets in the hundreds of thousands protesting the events up to and after the hurricane. We weren't. Look at the latinos in this country standing up for their (figurative) brothers and sisters who are undocumented immigrants...in the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS. As far as support from the business world...not gonna happen. undocumented immigrants are a major part of the work force in this country; underpaid, no insurance, no worker's rights....they're expected to shut up, work hard, and be happy they even have a job. This equals MO' MONEY for the companies so OF COURSE they're going to speak out in favor of reformed rights and NOT a huge fence to keep them out.

B. This country is outsourcing more and more of it's work force every year. The population of this country is approximately 295,734,134 people. Over 5% of those people are unemployed in this country at this very moment. You do the math. Roughly 15 million Americans out of work. Why isn't there a massive reform to get them work. I mean, that's what the immigration issue is really about, isn't it?? Puttin' cats to work with as little overhead as possible, right?? Where are the protesters in the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS trying to get unemployed United States citizens a JOB??? Tax payers are going to spend their hard earned money on getting immigrants work in this country, who will in turn be stepping over homeless, jobless Americans on the way to their new jobs. Ain't THAT a bitch. Once again, what does that say about how our government feels about poor people in this country-CITIZENS born and raised in this country-who are overwhelmingly people of color?

Now, my position is NOT anti-immigrant. A huge fence to keep people out is ridiculous. I feel everyone should have a right to reside in this country, but through PROPER CHANNELS. Get visas, work permits, etc. Put the time in, petition for permanent residency. Audition dammit!! No other country on this planet would let someone just show up, start working and demand benefits and workers rights without becoming a citizen of that country. It's a tough issue. Most of the people who want to come to this country want to work and give their families the best life they can...the ever elusive "piece of the American Dream" and I can feel that. They should be allowed that chance. But WHEN is the government of this country going to start focusing on ALL of the AMERICAN people for a change???? Focus on the problems Americans are dealing with IN this country. Who's rallying and protesting for the poor, jobless Americans of color??


Blogger Nick Rolfe said...

Well said Dd. I guess my concern is more the fact that: Racism and classism will NOT EVER be addressed by the "Powers that Be"....and it appears that we the people, as a collective, are equally willing to sit back and complain, yet do NOTHING about it. At least the Latin American population showed some solidarity by making a stand...even if only for a day. TRUE: bottom line, this country could NOT afford to kick out illegal aliens....now an ingrained factor in U.S. economy. TRUE: definitely another smoke screen. TRUE: businesses showed support because half their work force would be effected if something major went down.

9:17 PM  

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